Stanmer Nursery, Stanmer Park

Ready for planting...

Top Left: Dahlias ready for planting out for the summer. Top Right: A peacock butterfly rests on a Alcea plant. Middle Left: Stunning tulips going on sale for Spring. Middle Right: Striking Stipa tenuissimas are attractive in any garden. Bottom left: Dicentra spectabilis 'Bleeding Heart' are very delicate and charming. Bottom left: Lavender ready for planting.

Also, at Stanmer Park you can walk around the park and see, among cherry trees and some lovely plants, these spectacular Cedar of Lebanon trees. This is my personal favourite tree pictured above. Majestic. Stanmer Park also has a little cafe where you can get great food, coffee and tea. It is a lovely day out for individuals and is very family friendly. Highly recommended.

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